Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blood On The Vine Milestone Reached

This week, I have finally completed writing the final scene of my 120,000-ish word novel, Blood On The Vine.  The book is finally finished though not publishable yet.  I need to combine multiple documents into a single master document, tweak a few middle parts, do some internal consistency fact checking, get beta reader feedback, have a quality copy-edit, and get a good book cover.

I apologize to my readers for the delays.  I originally promised this book would be available in the spring, but a combination of factors got in the way, from my day job to my computer dying and needing to be replaced.  I am truly sorry.  I wanted to get this book out there sooner but I want it done well and not be rushed or incomplete.  You deserve a good book.

And, dear readers, it is a good book, especially if you are a fan of slave plantation, family drama, Capoeira (a Brazilian martial art), vampiric immortality, animal shape-shifting, world hopping, action adventure stories. This book has it all.  It is the story of a slave girl named Sanami, whose job is to juice the fruit that is a key ingredient to magical potions and her masters' immortality.  When she mouths off one too many times, she is propelled into the journey of a lifetime, trying to stay alive and come to terms with being a member of a family that she never knew she was a part of.